Technique of spider wiring cleaning the air

Spider wires have many different names such as bumblebee, mother, fennel, spider, orchid, orchid, orchid. The spider’s spider grows up branches, may be long; Leaves are long and fragile like orchids, glaze in baskets and hang out like the almonds are wings.

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Spider wires are a species of grass, leaf bending, when the tree grows, from the mother tree to sprout, spread like spider web, is a species of plants that can absorb very large pollution, can use Make bonsai indoors or office bonsai.
Spider wires can absorb, clean up harmful gases harmful to the house for a short time. Plants are also called “air purifiers”, absorbing 80% formaldehyde; 95% CO2; Phenylethylene, benzene copolymer, printer waste; Absorbing nicotine in cigarette smoke.

It is also possible to absorb radiation from computer radiation. Thanks to their ability, the methanogenic carcinogens in the air like Aldehyde formate into sugar and ammonium acid. Spider-stem can be used as medicine, have the effect of heat detoxification, lung tone, inflammation inflammation. Using the crushed trunk, cover the wound wound healing effect.

Therefore, the technology of planting spider wires and how to care so that the plants are always green so that the main plant is the air purifier in the home, office or anywhere else need to rely heavily on other factors. together.

Select varieties

Should choose the leaf blade has a beautiful curve, white stripes run along the clear leaves, the leaves are not yellow.

Spider wiring engineering
Select trees with small leaf clusters with roots and germ length about 1 cm, cut from below the trunk, using nylon or sponge size 5cm X 5cm X 5cm crush the root and place in the original fixed cup. It is also possible to directly bring young squid plugs into the nutrient container to grow naturally.

Condition of care

It is a dipterocarpaceous plant, the root system of a waterlogging tree is very good, with high drought tolerance but not water storage, can often spray water on the leaves to clean. As one of the fecal fertilizer, so if not enough nutrients, the leaves will be yellow, dry and old. In the best growing season, apply water every two weeks. Flower varieties should be a little protein. In addition, the temperature of the environment below 4˚C should be stopped and watered.


For the method of cuttings, take a stalk of 5-10 cm long stem with plugs in the soil, after 7 days, branches will grow new roots, after 20 days can be transferred into pots, watered and then placed in shady place. cool.

The method of root separation should pick up the plant from the pot, cut off the old root, on the root after being separated to hold 3 branches, then can turn to plant.

If sowing is selected, in March every year, sprinkle with seeds, cover with 0.5cm soil, keep at 15˚C, after 2 weeks seeds can germinate.

Prevention of common diseases

The most common spider moth is root rot disease, to overcome the situation need to enhance the regulation of fertilizer. Trace in pots and not ventilate. In addition, need to strengthen the examination, timely wipe the iron scab insects on the leaves.

How to decorate the spider

A hopeful, spider-leaf, elegant, leafy plant, often found in interior decor. You can put a spider pot on the top of the cabinet, so it hangs down naturally, until the drooping of a certain length can be rolled back into a ring, forming a beautiful sculpture. The spider can be hung in a window or on a wall.

In addition, spider wires are very suitable for indoor use, especially in newly built rooms. The best place to place the kitchen is near the fireplace, gas tank, where carbon monoxide accumulates. Can put on high prices. Summer can be arranged in the corridor or balcony.

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